Search Results
Grants aim to raise COVID-19 vaccination rates in Black communities
Vaccination rate in Black communities “lower than general population"
Spectrum Health partnership tackles mistrust, supports Black vaccination efforts
COVID-19 and the Legacy of Racism: Vaccine Hesitancy and Treatment Bias
CONversations Series: Vaccination Hesitation: From the Eyes of a Black Provider
Spectrum Health appoints committee to increase vaccination rates among black community
Town hall for black parents hesitant about the vaccine
Sharp’s mission to get Black San Diegans vaccinated
HEALING FROM HISTORY: Why Some Black Americans are hesitant about COVID-19 vaccines
Facebook Live COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A: African American Community Concerns
Evidence from a National Campaign Promoting COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake | DoM Grand Rounds | 18 Aug 2021
WATCH LIVE: Washington leaders announce fund to boost COVID-19 vaccine equity